Tuesday, April 26, 2016

In Preparation for Your Junior Internship

Junior Internship started in a daze.

I hated the feeling of terror, and feeling of impending doom since we knew nothing (Jon Snow ang peg...) about junior internship.

First off:


It actually depends on your rotation, as I found out. Most of my classmates resorted to borrowing from other rotations, but you must at least have your basics which are:

  • Stethoscope
  • BP App with Adult cuff (recommending Baxtel since its easier to find a pedia cuff for it instead of the Welch Allyn), and pedia cuff(if rotating in Pedia)
  • 70% Rubbing Alcohol (you frequently need to keep your hands clean, as well as your instruments)
  • thermometer
  • Penlight
  • Watch (for counting your RR and HR)
  • Face Masks (comes in handy when rotating in Pedia since kids practically cough in your face all the time, or when your post duty and you're just too tired to brush your teeth
  • Personal stuff that come in handy when youre starting to feel the 24-29 hour grime: wet wipes, hankies or towels, tissue, toothbrush, small packet of toothpaste, powder

For our rotations in DLSHSI, we needed the following in addition to the basic set:

OB: Tape Measure (to get the fundic height)
Commed: Neurohammer for OPD
ENT: Bandage scissors, Kelly, Mayo, Micropore, Otoscope (you can borrow from each other)
Ophtha: Ophthalmoscope, lots of rubbing alcoholc (when its the season for sore eyes)
Psych: Your patience.
Ortho: Bandage scissors, Kelly, Mayo, Iris, Micropore
IM: BP App with Adult Cuff, rubber shoes (hahahaha, for running in when theres a Code Blue ongoing), neurohammer
Surgery: All the scissorsssssss, micropore, 
Pedia: Pedia Cuff (some are compatible with Baxtel, ranges from 250-350 in price)
Books you say?

OB still uses Williams latest edition + tranx for their exams.
Commed- still unpredictable. Base it on your previous lectures/ tranx
ENT- Probst, and lectures
Ophtha- lectures
Psych- Kaplan and Sadock, baby book was extremely helpful
Ortho- lectures
IM- IM Platinum, Harrisons
Surgery- lectures + Schwartz
Pedia- lectures > Nelson's, Nelsons Essentials


Kinda confusing? Me too. I couldnt wrap my head around the status thingies. but it goes like this:

for example. Preduty is Monday, you stay at the hospital from 7am to 5pm, then go home.
Tuesday is duty, so you clock in at 7am, then your shift lasts until 7am the following day.
Wednesday, from 7am (immediately after your duty shift) you are post duty, and stay until 12nn.

Preduty: Do your usual duties, whether you are in OPD, the wards, or special rotation, do your paperworks, monitor patients, and whatnot.

Duty: You do the same thing as preduty, but loooonger.

Post duty: Finish up your paperworks. Paperwork? Updating abstracts, finishing your wardwork paper on the patient.

Although these tasks are different from rotation to rotation, there are some rotations wherein you do nothing much, and let preduty people take care of the tasks for that day, and then you start by 5pm. 

If you need tips per rotation, just email me. some of the details might be different during the actual rotation. 

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