Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Academic Avalanche

Hey guys, I apologize if I havent posted in awhile. The pace in med school kinda picked up when July settled in.

As i said before, things went into hyperdrive when July settled in. June was the typical settling in phase where doctors/professors slipped in a quiz or two, letting you gain a solid foothold on studying again.

Then July came in.

Every other week we had quizzes and major exams, and it came to a point where you just couldnt study as much as you wanted to because you were dead tired.

Major exams that happened this month: Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, and this week would be Community Medicine and Bioethics.

Seriously, of all the major exams that came and went, Anatomy was probably the most mind boggling thing I encountered since our freshmen orientation with the mock exams.

I prepared for that exam like everyone has prepared for the oncoming zombie apocalpyse.

I kid you not. I spent a majority of my weekdays + 80% of my weekend reviewing everything and I was kind of pumped for the exam already.

Day of the exam, 7am in the morning, my dorm mates and I came out of our rooms at exactly the same time with blank faces, silently staring at each other, when, very quietly, one whispered... oh my g*d, I dont know anything.

All of us kinda went into a crazed panic since the exam was a bout 3 hours away. 


Nobody brushed their teeth, fixed their hair, or took out the morning glories scattered all over, we got our stuff out and went to one room and started reviewing each other like there was no tomorrow. 

We spent two hours studying, took a bath, then went for the exam.

Here we go.

About an hour later, I was feeling pretty good about the results. But within a few minutes, panic set in again as we prepared for the practical exams for that afternoon.

For the practical exams, they set up 80 stations in the laboratory where there would be around 65-70 microscopes set up with specimens, around 5 pictures, and 5 resting stations. Every 20 seconds we a buzzer would sound out and everyone had to move to the next station.

This type of exam gives you an adrenalin rush. It was awesome and at the same time, depressing.

Within 20 minutes or so, we finished all 80 questions and headed out the laboratory. And everyone was kind of high with the rush. We headed out, ate, and made merry while doomsday/judgement day waited silently.

About 2-3 days, results came out. And I failed both the theoretical and practical. And so did 80% of the batch.

It was kind of comforting to know that, but deep inside, I was depressed because I studied my ass off and I still failed. 

Good thing that they lowered the passing rate a little, and I passed both, but, it still frustrated me. 

I will not be an average/ mediocre doctor. I will study my ass off, and one day I will top the exams.

Shit just got real.


  1. Not scaring you or anything, but first year will seem like a walk in the park when you get into second year. It's manageable though, but still be very prepared especially if you are aiming for high grades. Sh*t will get even more real.

  2. Yeah, i'vebeen hearing that a lot lately. Most of theupperyears say that2nd year is the hardest since there are more subjects, the transition from 1st year, etc. are you an incoming 3rd year? I would really love to hear your side/ advice/ tips about the 2nd year. :)) excited much.

  3. Yes I am an incoming third year student. I will make a list of tips and send them to you (or post it here?) when it's done. :) Don't worry much about it, since you seem like a very good student. I think the adjustment period will be the toughest, then you'll eventually get used to it.

    1. Congrats on being promoted! :) Thanks so much for the help, a lot of us are actually excited to start school already (nerd much? hahahaha) but so far, we havent heard that much from the higher years except the dreaded 3's~ Patho, Pharma, and Microbio.

      Yey! thanks so much for the list, you could send it to me at and then I could post it here for others to see. :)

    2. I have already sent the tips days ago to the email address you posted. :) I hope it helps. If you (or the others) have other questions, just email me. God bless!

    3. Heaven sent! Thank you so much Anon!!! :) I'll post it asap :)
