Friday, June 22, 2012

Thank You Doc JC!!!

Cool thing happened this week. :)

HSI really takes care of their students. one of the things they do is have this Guidance Day for freshie Med students, which was more of a talk on adjusting to the medschool life. And after 3 weeks of med school, I have to say that I need all the help that I can get to survive my first year.

Well, to be fair, it IS the adjustment period for every student, but, I think there's no excuse for failing a quiz (which I had done yet again, hahahaha--quiet sobbing) or being unable to read all the material you need to understand the lesson beforehand. 

Honestly, I had difficulties in memorizing and understanding all the information that came out of each 3-4 hour lecture. But, the anxiety this caused me was lessened somewhat by this seminar.

I'm not bulls--ting you when I say that their pointers helped a ton load and you could actually see the results the day after.

 Doc Tata started the seminar with a few words of wisdom to impart on our young fragile, impressionable minds (lolwhut? hahahaha) and made us think about our future as med students. Are you living the dream for your parents? Yourself? Your boyfriend?

Next up, Doc JAA, our doctor/lecturer/professor for Embryology as well as our Student Adviser. We sent a good part of the hour just laughing. He gave us the statistics on med students, what works, what doesnt work in med school, and--my favorite part--categorizing things to do into neat little categories namely: a) negotiable or non-negotiable.

Physiology? Non-negotiable.
Biochemistry? Non-negotiable.
Anatomy? Non-negotiable.
Boyfriend/ Girlfriend? Pwede bang non-negotiable?

He also covered effective studying techniques as well as the usual techniques practiced by students that excel, students that are average in performance, and those who perform poorly. 

One of my favorites is using mnemonics for studying. He gave out a few examples (sorry, couldn't remember them that much, hahahaha) and my dorm mate and I tried it out while studying for Histology--Connective Tissue. 

Another doctor, Doc Kent was also there, and I wish he could have shared more of his experiences also. 

Aaaand finally. The rush I had that day. 

Doc JC, shared his experiences on surviving his first year of medicine. He excelled in his first year, being exempted from all the finals in all the subjects, and at the same time, still being active in several student/academic organizations. Pretty hard to follow that, right? Well he showed us that it is completely attainable, if he could do it, why couldn't we?

Well, in one of the slides he presented, he showed....(drumroll please....) one of my blog entries!!!! He said that he came upon the blog on the internet, and he wasnt sure if the author of the blog was present already, or was in thE room.

GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. I was freaking out in my seat. I turned white right then and there and my seatmate asked if I was feeling ok. 

I actually wasnt sure if it was my entry because it was so long ago, but it was my post about why you wanted to take up Medicine. 

It surprised me that Doc JC, or anyone actually from my school would stumble upon this blog. (I'm not sure who actually reads my blog, I sometimes think that they got misdirected to this page or something. hahahaha)

And what he said made me sooooo happy. He commended me for the blog/post that I wrote and said that I should come by the office and let him know it was me. 

WELL, that sure didn;t happen. I was scared/shy as hell. And I didnt know how to react to it all. 

But it certainly made my day. 


Will be sharing more of their tips and advice in another post, kind of groggy from all the studying. :)) Happy weekend guys!

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